Our Best Antivirus Software of 2021

January 6, 2023
Cyber Security

Although surfing the web or watching a video can seem harmless, there are dangers to your computer lurking all over the internet. Various types of malicious software, otherwise known as malware, can be used to monitor what you do online and perhaps steal your personal information. The specific types of malware that hackers use changes frequently but can include:

  • Viruses, which alter your computer's software in harmful ways
  • Adware, which causes intrusive ads to appear on your screen
  • Spyware, through which someone can monitor your computing activities
  • Ransomware, which can lock up your computer and render it unusable until you pay a fee, or "ransom"
  • Worms, which are bits of software code that can spread from one computer to another

Hackers use other ploys as well. One common technique is called "phishing," in which someone tries to trick you into using a fake website (such as one that looks like your bank's website) to steal your personal data.

The good news is that antivirus software can help protect you and your computer from these and other threats (although there's no substitute for using strong passwords and other common-sense internet security measures). Antivirus software scans the information and files sent to and from your computer when you're surfing the web, sending emails, streaming videos, or doing anything else online. The software will warn you not to click on any website or file that may be a threat. In addition, if you accidentally download malware to your computer, antivirus software will try to quarantine and delete it before it causes any harm. Many antivirus programs also include a virtual private network (VPN), which disguises your online activities; a firewall, which monitors network traffic; and parental controls to protect children.

Our Best Antivirus Software of 2021

To help protect your Windows computer, here's the Best Antivirus Software of 2021:

#1 Bitdefender
#2 Kaspersky
#3 Webroot
#3 Norton
#5 Trend Micro
#6 McAfee
#8 Avast
#9 AVG Technologies
#9 Sophos

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